A S S O C I A T I O N   E S S E N T I E L

Association Essentiel, based in Nyon (Switzerland), was founded by Mrs. Joceline Bachelard in 2002 and is a public benefit, non-profit organization. Working at a human scale, the main objective of AE is to allow disadvantaged people to satisfy their ESSENTIAL NEEDS in the long term. 


Since the beginning, Association Essentiel is implementing development projects with the help of its donors and members in Switzerland. The first projects were carried out in Kerala (South India) :

- distribution of rice in remote villages of the Kerala mountains ;

- manufacturing and distribution of school uniforms in deprived neighborhoods ;

- opening an orphanage in Trivandrum.

In 2010, Essentiel funded the construction of two wells and a nursery in Casamance (Senegal).


Since 2011, Association Essentiel is leading a pilot project of sustainable development in West Bengal (India), described below.

C U R R E N T   A C T I V I T I E S



Hey everyone, let’s go fetch some water.

.....let’s go, let’s go.


We go to a pond far away from here to take bath.

Now I don’t see much, and I can’t walk far away. 

I only stay at home, so I depend on others.


We clean our dishes, utensils, and cloths in pond water, which is muddy and not fresh.

We don’t like it, but we can’t help it either.


One needs to wake up very early to go collect water from the pond so overnight it becomes less muddy.


If we have a water source nearby our habitat, it will be a huge help for us. 

We can fetch water at any time of the day or night. 

We will never wash our dishes, utensils, and clothes in muddy water.

Drinking water will never be a problem at any season of the year.


We won’t need to go far away and carry water on our head. 

Sometimes we get ill, or someone old need to go really far away.

During the monsoon,the farm walkways become inaccessible. 


Or even at night, we can fetch water as per need.

A mechanical pump well costs 1100 CHF; we need 6 to allow 6 villages access to water.

So help us, help them!








Watch the video, click on the picture








Watch the video, click on the picture

Since October 2011, Essentiel leads a pilot project to support sustainable development in the long term in the regions of Malda and Darjeeling in West Bengal (North India). The project is running with the active participation of villagers and rural communities in the implementation of the project.


The main objectives are to improve health and nutrition of babies and young children and to promote sustainable agriculture. This is complemented by efforts aiming at the reduction of the impacts of natural hazards (floods) on the local population.


You can download the detailed description of the project "Sustainable development for families of rural regions in West Bengal (SDFRR)" here :

SDFRR [english version].pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 2.8 MB

And see the main results obtained after 5 years :

sdfrrwb-review 2016.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 4.5 MB

W H A T   Y O U   C A N   D O

A donation to association Essentiel offers the guarantee that every franc invested reaches directly the beneficiaries in our programmes. There are no administrative fees and donations are used in the most efficient manner for the direct benefit of local populations.


We guarantee the transparency of our actions and of the use of the resources of the association. As association Essentiel is recognised as a public benefit, non-profit organisation by the swiss authorities, you can deduce the amount of your donation from your taxable income, according to the rules in force in your canton. A certificate of donations will be given to you annually.


QR Code for online donation:


IBAN : CH96 0900 0000 1728 3311 5


Association Essentiel, 1260 Nyon

SWIFT : POFICHBEXXX | Postfinance, 3030 Berne

ou CCP 17-283311-5



Thank you very much for your support!


With an annuel subscribtion of CHF 50.-, you can be member of association Essentiel. This will give a very precious regular support to the activities of the association.



Association Essentiel

c/o Christian Fanti

Rue de la Combe 15

1260 Nyon


